Long time clock

The Long Time Toolkit

We’ve designed a set of tools to put the ideas explored in each episode into practice.

The Long Time Cards

Human Layers Meditation

Running A Long Time Session For An Organisation

A 100-Year Calendar


With thanks to

The Long Time Reading List


Deep Time Reckoning - Vincent Ialenti
FutureGen - Jane Davidson
Timefulness - Marcia Bjornerud
The Precipice - Toby Ord
Pip Pip - Jay Griffiths
The Clock of the Long Now - Steward Brand
The Good Ancestor - Roman Krznaric
Doughnut Economics - Kate Raworth
Sandtalk - Tyson Yunkaporta
The Patterning Instinct - Jeremy Lent
The War for Kindness - Jamil Zaki
Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall-Kimmerer
Underland - Robert Macfarlane
The Oldest Living Things in the World - Rachel Sussman 
Sacred Instructions - Sherri Mitchell


Kindred- Octavia Butler
The Parable Series  - Octavia Butler
The Ministry for the Future - Kim Stanley Robinson
The OverStory - Richard Powers
Man V. Nature - Diane Cook
Love & Other Thought Experiments - Sophie Ward
Barkskins - Annie Proulx
Light Perpetual - Francis Spufford